Mesothelioma Law Firm

Mesothelioma law firms file lawsuits on behalf of victims of asbestos exposure. These specialized firms help patients and their families receive financial compensation through mesothelioma settlements and jury verdicts. The top law firms have high success rates of winning mesothelioma cases and securing compensation for their clients.

8,800+ families helped
$5.2 billion recovered in cases
45+ Years of dedicated experience

What Is a Mesothelioma Law Firm?

A mesothelioma law firm helps victims determine whether they can file a lawsuit against the manufacturers of asbestos-containing products.

These manufacturers knew that asbestos could cause workers (and the general public) to get sick, but hid the truth for decades to make a profit. Mesothelioma law firms work to bring these manufacturers to justice and retrieve compensation for victims.

Anyone diagnosed with mesothelioma should reach out to a law firm as soon as possible. There is limited time to take legal action, and mesothelioma law firms may be able to file lawsuits for victims before time runs out.

Connect with a trusted mesothelioma law firm now.

What a Mesothelioma Law Firm Does

A mesothelioma law firm does almost all of the legal work so victims can focus on their health and spending time with their families. Below, learn more about how a mesothelioma law firm may be able to help you.

Assign a Dedicated Legal Team

Mesothelioma law firms do not rely on only lawyers to file mesothelioma claims. An entire team of medical and legal professionals will be assigned to work on your case.

These legal teams consist of:

  • Attorneys
  • Investigators
  • Medical experts
  • Paralegals
  • Support staff

Each member of the team has specific knowledge that can help build your case. The team will first gather details about your asbestos exposure and mesothelioma diagnosis and determine if the law firm can help you file a claim.

Further, the team will guide you on which documents must be signed so your asbestos claim can be processed.

Build Support for Your Claim

If the law firm believes it can help you, your legal team will gather supporting evidence for a claim.

During this phase, the team will determine:

  • If you worked on a jobsite that contained asbestos while you were employed
  • What asbestos-containing products (and manufacturers) may have caused your illness
  • Identify and obtain other needed medical records and work information

In some asbestos cases, the law firm may be able to use information from previous victims they have represented to strengthen a current claim.

File a Claim

Once the team has gathered all the information they need, your claim will be filed.

Mesothelioma claims typically fall into the following categories: lawsuits filed against the manufacturers of asbestos-containing products and asbestos trust fund claims.

The team will determine which manufacturers may have caused your illness and take appropriate legal action against them.

If the company is still in business, an asbestos lawsuit may be filed. If the company has filed for bankruptcy, they cannot be sued, but they may have an active asbestos trust fund to compensate victims.

Claims are often filed against multiple manufacturers with asbestos trust funds or through a lawsuit, depending on which manufacturers exposed a victim to asbestos. Although your exposure may have happened while serving in the military, the U.S. government will not be sued.

Helps Victims Receive Compensation

Once a claim has been filed, the law firm will work on your behalf to receive compensation.

Compensation is typically secured by reaching settlements with the manufacturers that are still in business or by filing a successful asbestos trust fund claim.

Mesothelioma compensation can help pay for:

  • Counseling and support services
  • Funeral and burial costs
  • Living expenses
  • Medical expenses for treatments
  • Physical therapy
  • Travel expenses associated with treatment
  • Wages lost due to inability to work

Compensation is not limited to the costs associated with mesothelioma and can be used for anything once you receive it. You could possibly receive money within a matter of months, depending on what manufacturers or trust funds are named in your claim.

It is likely that you will receive checks at several different points throughout the process. You will need to sign legal documents to release these funds after compensation is secured. The faster you sign and submit these documents, the sooner you can receive compensation.

What to Look for in a Mesothelioma Law Firm

Experienced law firms should always put the needs of victims first. With that in mind, here is what anyone should look for when trying to find the mesothelioma law firm that is best for them.

Free Consultation & No Upfront Costs

A victim’s relationship with a mesothelioma law firm should begin with a free in-person consultation. This consultation will help victims learn about the law firm and the experience of its team members.

During this consultation, a mesothelioma law firm will typically send a representative to meet the victim to discuss the case at a place of their choosing.

Victims should not have to pay any upfront fees if they decide to work with the law firm after this first meeting. Mesothelioma law firms work on a contingency fee basis, meaning they only get paid if they successfully secure compensation for victims.

Years of Experience

Asbestos-related lawsuits have been filed for decades, so the mesothelioma law firm a victim works with should also have decades of experience handling this case type.

Mesothelioma Lawyers

Mesothelioma law firms work with skilled lawyers who know how to best handle asbestos lawsuits. Experienced mesothelioma lawyers have spent years representing victims.

Mesothelioma lawyers should have:

  • Dedication and passion for helping anyone suffering from a mesothelioma diagnosis
  • Access to a massive database of evidence, asbestos products, and locations
  • Broad knowledge of asbestos litigation, high-risk occupations, and jurisdiction rules

Victims are encouraged to seek out law firms that have mesothelioma attorneys on staff. General lawyers that work at local law firms may not be able to file a claim in the state that maximizes a victim’s compensation.

Medical Knowledge of Mesothelioma

The best mesothelioma law firms have access to the latest knowledge and information from medical experts who work directly with mesothelioma patients.

These medical experts understand:

  • Mesothelioma signs and symptoms
  • Each stage of the disease
  • Expected outcomes of a diagnosis
  • Treatment options
  • Clinical trials that study new ways to diagnose and treat this cancer

Medical experts will be assigned to work on a mesothelioma victim’s case as part of their dedicated legal team.

Success in Securing Top Settlements and Verdicts

Successful mesothelioma law firms have helped thousands of victims obtain mesothelioma settlements or verdicts. The law firm a victim works with should have a proven track record of helping other victims receive compensation.

Most lawsuits will be settled out of court, and victims can expect to receive $1 million on average from mesothelioma settlements. Some cases may award more or less than this number.

In rare cases, a lawsuit may go to trial if a settlement can’t be reached.

Asbestos lawsuit trial verdicts typically award much more than a settlement, but there is no guarantee that the victim and/or their loved ones will have a successful case.

Personal Touch

The period following a mesothelioma diagnosis is one of pain and uncertainty. Time does not stop, and there are hard decisions that need to be made.

Mesothelioma law firms understand that each person harmed by asbestos has their own story. They treat victims with compassion, working on their behalf, and delivering strong results.

Nationwide Reach

Sometimes, the best state for a victim’s claim may not be the one where they live. Mesothelioma law firms can help determine which state may award victims with the most amount of compensation in the shortest amount of time.

Further, national mesothelioma law firms understand the regulations for lawsuits and asbestos trust fund claims in almost any state. This helps reduce possible legal roadblocks and may increase the amount of compensation a victim receives.

Asbestos Industry Knowledge

Receiving compensation with a legal claim requires complex documentation and significant research. Mesothelioma law firms should have in-depth information about asbestos companies to strengthen cases.

Key information about the asbestos industry includes:

  • The companies that produced asbestos-containing products
  • When the products were used
  • Which job sites carried a high risk of asbestos exposure
  • Which companies have established asbestos trust funds

Mesothelioma law firms with decades of experience have tracked the asbestos industry closely.

The best firms have databases worth of information, including what asbestos-containing products each manufacturer made and which manufacturers are still in business.

Questions to Ask a Mesothelioma Law Firm

How many years of experience does your mesothelioma law firm have?

Mesothelioma law firm experience is a key factor when making your selection.

Law firms that have handled mesothelioma cases for years (or decades) will likely have more resources available to help current asbestos victims. For example, they may be able to use information from previous cases they have won to help strengthen your case.

Further, a law firm should be able to tell you how many previous cases they have handled for clients. Ideally, you want to work with a seasoned firm that has handled thousands of cases with success.

By working with mesothelioma law firms with years of experience, you can rest assured that your case is in the best hands possible.

What are the typical outcomes of your mesothelioma cases?

A mesothelioma law firm should be able to provide examples of cases they’ve handled and how much they have retrieved for other victims.

Firms should also be able to provide you with examples of recent successes to give you an idea of how much compensation they may secure for you if you decide to work with them.

Will I be able to speak with members of your law firm as needed?

The best mesothelioma law firms will have a team of hardworking case managers, paralegals, and lawyers who will walk with you through the entire legal process. You should be able to talk to a case manager at any time, 24/7 — even during the holidays.

Does your mesothelioma law firm handle cases in every state?

The law firm you work with should have a nationwide reach, meaning they have offices and licensed attorneys in nearly every state.

This is important because national law firms can file a mesothelioma lawsuit in the state that will maximize your potential compensation. Additionally, national law firms will likely have an office and/or lawyers close to you, or will be willing to travel to your location, minimizing the amount you may need to travel.

Look for a law firm that can explain all your options and help you determine the most legally advantageous place to file your lawsuit.

How much do I have to pay you to represent me? When will I have to pay?

Most mesothelioma firms work on a contingency basis, so you won’t have to pay anything upfront. If the law firm you are considering does not work on a contingency basis, it is probably not in your best interest to work with them.

Connect With a Mesothelioma Law Firm Today

Mesothelioma law firms have played a leading role in securing compensation for victims and family members who were never warned about the deadly risks of asbestos exposure.

By working with a mesothelioma law firm, you also may be able to hold the companies that harmed you financially responsible.

To learn more about how a mesothelioma law firm can help you, get a free case review today.

  1. Goguen, D. (n.d.) Asbestos and Mesothelioma Lawsuits: What to Expect. Retrieved from
  2. Nolo. (n.d.) How to Hire a Mesothelioma or Asbestos Lawyer. Retrieved from

Easier Than It May Seem

Your individual situation may merit an actual lawsuit. However, it doesn’t have to be that complicated. Trusts have been set up to benefit victims of mesothelioma in such a way that lawsuits and court appearances aren’t needed. Contact us today and you’ll see how easy it can be to get the compensation you deserve.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who can file a mesothelioma claim?

A person who has been diagnosed with mesothelioma – as well as their spouse, child, or family member – may be able to file a claim to recover compensation from manufacturers of asbestos products. If the mesothelioma patient passes away, a family member or estate representative may also be able to file a wrongful death lawsuit.

How much money is in the asbestos trust fund?

An estimated $30 billion has been set aside in asbestos trust funds to compensate mesothelioma patients. Many companies that made asbestos products later filed for bankruptcy, so they created these trust funds to pay out future mesothelioma claims. If the company responsible for your asbestos exposure no longer exists, you may be entitled to money from their trust fund.

How do I file a mesothelioma claim?

To file a mesothelioma claim, contact an attorney who is experienced with these types of lawsuits. They will know where and when to file your claim, how to build the strongest case possible, and the best way to maximize compensation on your behalf.

What is the statute of limitations on mesothelioma claims?

The statute of limitations (deadline to file) for mesothelioma claims will vary depending on the state in which you file. In many states, it’s 2-3 years from the date of the mesothelioma diagnosis – though it may be longer if the mesothelioma patient has passed away. A mesothelioma lawyer can make sure your claim is filed within the required time frame.

How long do mesothelioma claims take?

Every mesothelioma claim is different, with circumstances and factors that are unique to that mesothelioma patient’s story. Though there’s no way to predict exactly how long a claim will take, an experienced mesothelioma attorney will ensure the process is handled as efficiently as possible.

Many claimants start to receive compensation in as few as 90 days after settling their mesothelioma claims.

What is the average payout for mesothelioma?

There is no guarantee of compensation when you file a mesothelioma claim, and countless factors affect how much money you might be able to recover (assuming your case settles). That said, 95% of these lawsuits are settled out of court, and the average settlement amount is $1-1.4 million.

How much is my mesothelioma claim worth?

Your mesothelioma case value depends on the specifics of your situation, such as the duration of your asbestos exposure, and the total cost of your mesothelioma treatment (as well as travel expenses and other related losses). The best way to figure out how much your claim is worth is to speak with a mesothelioma lawyer.

What type of mesothelioma claim do I have?

Most mesothelioma claims fall under one of four categories:

  • Personal injury: You were exposed to asbestos (often through your job, or your loved one’s), so you file a lawsuit against the company that made the asbestos products.
  • Asbestos trust fund: Similar to a personal injury claim, only the company in question went bankrupt, so you can’t sue them – but you may be able to access a trust fund they set aside for mesothelioma victims.
  • Veterans Affairs (VA) benefits: U.S. military veterans who were exposed to asbestos during their service may qualify for related health care benefits through the VA.
  • Wrongful death: When a mesothelioma patient passes away, their family member or estate representative may be able to file a lawsuit on their behalf, seeking money to pay for past medical expenses, pain and suffering, funeral expenses, etc.
    A mesothelioma attorney can determine which type of claim makes the most sense for you and your family. (Some clients qualify for more than one.)

Contact us to learn more.

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